REDVIS is a company specialized in Real Estate.
Investment Analysis
Property Portfolios
Development Services in Greece & Cyprus
REDVIS' team holds the following Certificates and Accreditations:
RICS Members (the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)
Registered Chartered Appraisers – Greek Ministry of Economics
Chartered Engineers - Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE)
Licensed Economists - Economic Chamber of Greece
Certified Evaluators of Energy Efficiency - Greek Ministry of Environment
Members of the Hellenic Institute of Valuations (ELIE)
Members of the Association of Greek Valuers (AVAG)
REDVIS QC: The Company has established an internal Quality Control mechanism based on specific indicators that are drawn from various aspects of the results’ parameters.
REDVIS DB: The company has developed and updates a Database mechanism of reliable information for prices and rents.
The team follows the highest Standards.
International Valuation Standards (IVS)
RICS RICS Valuation – Global Standards
IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards
Code of ethics for certified appraisers of Law 4152/2013 (Government Gazette 1147B '/ 13-5-2013)
Institutional, regional and urban planning frameworks & Greek Appraisal Instructions of the Association of Greek Valuers